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High quality and timely feedback


To help others understand what behaviour they need to change and keep doing to be more effective in their role and help deliver the best experience.

Feedback fundamentals


Give and receive regularly

  • Frequent to keep it meaningful

  • More than once per month

  • Can even be in the moment


All people

  • Leaders to individuals in their team

  • Individuals to their leaders

  • Peers to peers

  • Partners

Specific information shared with an individual (or a group) about how they performed in a specific situation

Based on what was said or done, how it was said/done and when it was said/done – not on beliefs, attitudes, intentions

Positive and constructive input to recognise someone and show them what they can change to be more effective

How to make feedback effective

78% of employees said being recognised motivates them in their job

65% of employees said they wanted more feedback


Prepare the feedback

  • Is what you want to say going to benefit the recipient?

  • Where possible plan the feedback (see the feedback preparation template below)


Introduce the conversation

  • Ask permission, then agree on best timing and place

  • Be discrete. Avoid giving feedback in front of an audience

  • Confirm your motive – “I would like to give you some feedback because…”


Describe the behaviour

  • Be clear on what was said and done, how and when – “I’ve noticed”

  • Own what impact the behaviour is having on you by using ‘I’ in your feedback

  • Keep it simple, with the language you use and how much you say


Make space for conversation

  • Ask the recipient for their perception of the situation

  • Be prepared for defensive talk and resist responding


Clarify the way forward

  • Suggest or request what the recipient can do again or differently to be more effective

  • Agree on next steps

  • Thank the recipient for their time and input

4/10 Employees are actively disengaged when they get little to no feedback

10% of Fortune 500 companies have replaced formal performance evaluations with regular and immediate feedback

Feedback preparation template

1| Think about recent situations of working with this person

2| What did this person do/say well? (Identify at least one specific example)

5| What practical suggestions can you share with this person to encourage and enable them to be more effective?

3| What could this person have done differently? (Identify at least one specific example)

4| Note down specific positive and constructive feedback for this person What did they do/say? How did their actions/words impact on your work? How did their actions/words impact on others?

“I think it's very important to have a feedback loop, where you're constantly thinking about how you could be doing things better”

- Elon Musk

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Image by Patrick Tomasso

More Learning Opportunities



Feedback First, Boosting Organisational Performance through CLEAR and CALM communication Huibert Everkink and Steven Becker


How to Say Anything to Anyone Shari Harley

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