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Workshop 4:

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Aims for Workshop 4:


  • Finding the boundary area requiring collaboration and compromise

  • Recognising the impact team and organisational behaviour can have on outcomes

  • Instilling humility within the group

  • Facilitating discussion and agreement

  • Capturing outputs and agreements

  • Handling conflict

  • Overcoming bumps in the road

Facilitating at the interface

Jack work on HCDA (3).png

6 Steps of collaborative development

Jack work on HCDA (21).png

With your target audience in mind, there are 4 stages of behavioural design

Jack work on HCDA (22).png

Make it personal

Put the User in control

Making active choices helps people feel more ownership over a decision, and makes them more likely to follow through

Encourage a sense of ownership

When people feel ownership over something they tend to attribute more value to it and go to greater lengths to avoid losing it.

Get the user to make an argument for the desired outcome

People are more likely to agree with persuasive arguments when they are forced to actively make the argument themselves

Make the desired outcome align with the user's identity

People generally behave in ways that reinforce their personal identities. When a behaviour conflicts with a person's sense of identity, they can experience unhappiness and unease

Highlight visceral or personal stories

People are more likely to recall and respond to emotional stories that highlight a specific person's experience - rather than stories that focus on facts or numbers

Call attention to relevant social norms

People tend to behave in accordance with real of perceived social norms, and generally don't like to behave in ways that go against what is socially acceptable

Make it personal

Craft the Journey

Help the user make a commitment in advance

People tend to make less rational choices when they're in "hot" states - like when they're hungry or emotional. Deciding in advance, in a "cold" state makes preferable outcomes more likely

Establish positive expectations

A person's expectations about an event or product have the power to change the way they actually experience it.

Introduce a peak and end on a high note

People tend to remember and evaluate past experiences based on the highest or lowest point, and the end. People are more likely to fondly recall and repeat experiences that have a notable high point and end on a high note

Provide immediate and ongoing feedback

When outcomes occur in the future it can be difficult to make the connection to the actions that originally caused them. More immediate feedback can help people better understand the consequences of their actions

Craft the journey

Tip the scales

Emphasise gains to encourage a behaviour

People enjoy experiencing gains, especially in the present. When an option or outcome is framed in terms of its associated gains it becomes more appealing - and people rarely stop to consider associated losses

Increase present gains

Gains that occur in the present are more pleasurable than gains that occur in the future. The further into the future gains occur, the more people discount their value, and the less pleasurable they seem

Break large gains into multiple smaller gains

Experiencing separate smaller gains is often more pleasurable that experiencing them simultaneously as one large gain

Use surprise to increase the pleasure of gains

People experience more pleasure from surprise gains than they do from expected gains

Emphasise losses to discourage a behaviour

People dislike experiencing losses, especially in the present. When an option or outcome is framed in terms of its associated losses it becomes less appealing - and people rarely stop to consider associated gains

Reduce or delay present losses

People go to great lengths to avoid losses. However, the further into the future a loss occurs, the more people tend to discount its impact. As a result, future losses often seem less daunting than present losses

Combine small losses into one larger loss

Losses that are experienced together, as one large loss, are less painful than smaller losses that are experienced separately

Tip the scales

Keep it Simple

Reduce uncertainty associated with the desired outcome

People tend to avoid options that have ambiguous or uncertain outcomes, preferring instead options that are clear and certain

Don't overwhelm the user

When facing an overwhelming amount of information, people may shut down and stop paying attention. In the face of extremely scary information, people may engage in unhealthy self-soothing behaviours

Minimise decisions to reduce decision fatigue

Making many decisions in a row can lower a person's willpower and cause them to subsequently make more "irrational" decisions

Keep it simple

Set up the options

Call attention to the desired option

People are more likely to select the option that they pay most attention to. The longer a person looks at a visual representation of an option, the more likely they are to choose it

Make the default option the desired outcome

People are more likely to go with a default option when one is present, since it doesn't require any extra effort or action on their part

Make the desired outcome a mid-range option

People tend to avoid extreme options (eg the cheapest or most expensive, smallest or largest). They're more likely to choose an option that feels like a compromise between extremes

Set up the options

Creating an environment that encourages 'fuzzy boundaries' and effective teaming

Tips for selection and integrating new team members...

  • Value potential over pedigree. Hire people for their: - knowledge/skills/experience, as well as- character/attributes/behaviour

  • Be clear what they bring

  • 'Contract' through high quality interview discussions to align aspirations and behavioural expectations

  • Give enough flexibility for new recruits to 'craft' the job around their strengths

  • Bring the team together to agree collective purpose and commitments to a way of co-operation

What is 'Job Crafting'?

This is about understanding where your unique strengths lie and changing the way you do things in order to play to those strengths.

This isn't about fundamentally changing your role and the objectives.


The purpose of Job crafting

You think differently about the impact you are having on the organisation. 

It helps you build more meaning into what you do, to ensure you're enjoying what you're doing and that you're doing your job well.

Give your team the space to build meaning into their work

This isn't about dictating how exactly each task must be done. It's about empowering your people to do their work in a way that they think will deliver the most value, and in a way that will play to their key strengths. And, if they are given the freedom to do this, they will be able to build a sense of personal meaning into their work.

Managers role in helping team members craft their job

Challenge any longstanding thinking YOU have that certain tasks must be done in a certain way, by everyone. Instead, understand that your job is to recognise the unique strengths and intrinsic motivators of each of your team members, and gauge what they find most personally meaningful in their every day.


Bring your team together to discuss in an open forum what they bring to the team and which tasks they each enjoy and drive most personal meaning from. You might be surprised at which tasks appeal to which people.


Once you have that information, work with them to reassign, redesign or redistribute key tasks in a way that ensures every member of your team remains consistently productive and fulfilled.


We're all different and we all derive meaning from different things. So, remember that not everyone in the team has to do things the same way - in fact, you'll probably get better results if they don't.

Moving to Action

Now you have the opportunity to put the thinking into action.

Before the next workshop reflect on how you have brought different people within your client together and facilitated their decision making. What behaviours have you seen and how have you designed your interaction to best ensure your desired outcomes are achieved?

Looking forward to Workshop 5

Workshop 5 will focus on 'Delivering Outcomes whilst Building Insights

We'll look at ways of staying agile and deepening an understanding of the issues whilst you progress. Progress status reviews and guiding next steps. At all times staying close to the customers.

Outputs From FDM Workshop 4


Design a client 'event' or 'moment' that brings key stakeholders together:


And how you influence/ facilitate the process to get alignment on an agreed way ahead

Group 1: Wise Energy
Problem statement

  • Outsource their operations service

  • Not able to use opportunity strategically

  • No influence or control


  • Head of innovative project*

  • Technical PM/SME*

  • Managing Director?

  • Procurement team

  • Current suppliers

  • Data - farm operator

No control

Limited visability

Cost Forecasting

Do not have the expertise to internalise this work


Demo of the POC (Proof of Concept)



Firming up proposal via client SME interaction

Health check with client

Analysing the complexity and size of data sets to set expectations from POC

case studies

Create visuals tied to revenue

recommendations and observations


  • your data

  • your dashboard

  • potentially your talent


longer-term talent proposal

Reduce uncertainty

  • supplier relationships

  • collaboration

ACTION: Dave Harvey to develop the service offering option and highlight the pros and cons of this option to both the client and FDM. To be discussed and developed further in Workshop 5.

Group 2:
The Problem

Change in scope/remit






  • Junior

  • Senior






Level C

Long Serving


Senior MGMT

Adopt not adapt

Delivary level



Solution Together

Data for Breakfast

Pre Event

  • Who?

    • Clients

    • Partners

    • FDM

  • Marketing

  • Venue


Partner events


FDM for good

The Event

  • Speaker/keynote

  • Breakouts

  • Networking

  • People x Process x Teach

Post Event

  • Summary

  • Follow ups

  • Make sure they come back

Pre-Mortem outputs

What does ultimate success look like in the next 3-6 months?


  • A collection of case studies from respective ‘areas’ grouped together as TEAM SUCCESS

  • All deliveries achieved; Role gaps filled; Review process established; Consulting assignments increase; Delivery targets achieved; £>

  • Circa 10 placements across our key strategic partners; Partners integrated into services; Comfortably delivering services and senior/blended teams; Ultimately above target, fully cohesive sales team

  • To have a ‘critical team’ working on repeatable, live client delivery

  • Contented team looking forward to growth

  • Join 3 services

  • Services defined, understood, and used by clients; team capability complete; clients approaching FDM for consultant services

  • A proven ability to SCALE; An integrated service delivery capability

  • Figured out what services we are able to sell; Best competencies; Team structure aligned to resource available

  • A happy team


What we need to do if this happens


  • Add to our team correctly; collaborate more; get on site (senior consultants)

  • MORE

  • Implement our plans

  • Monthly touchpoint - helping each other with issues (already occurring), sharing expertise; using case studies from other members of our team to influence our success (eg BI demo influencing RRC)

  • Better workforce planning capability; available skills DB; Skills gap awareness; Open recruitment channels - all levels

  • We need to adapt our offering to meet clients needs and make sure we can deliver at higher quality

  • Fill the gaps; support each delivery; Ask for help when needed

  • More ownership of what we deliver; Clear vision on what we are trying to achieve; Right levels of resourcing model for senior roles; A knowledgable sales team; One sales message to the market

  • Identify skills gaps; develop a senior pack of resources; Understand/define company risk appetite for services

  • Stick to the plan/Zero in/focus


What does catastrophic failure look like in the next 3-6 months?


  • Siloed team members not collaborating

  • No team work; No collaboration; Not driven; No motivation; No passion in what we do; Say NO to ’No’.

  • No Christmas Party

  • A chance to learn

  • Too busy with individual areas so no collectiveness = failure, as missing vital perspectives

  • Have to justify our team, roles, etc

  • We are absorbed back into RTD, and damage our reputation with internal FDM as a consultancy service

  • Worse case scenario - stick to RTD only


What we need to do if this happens


  • Do something different within FDM

  • Look at grouping FDM business a different way - not service based

  • Hiring freeze at FDM - no more recruitment

  • Moved on

  • Back to basics; keep going; you don’t always get it right in one go; we learn, we move forward

  • Learn lessons and go again

  • Start from square one

  • An opportunity

  • Re-sell our service and approach

  • Keep innovating

How are you feeling at the end of Workshop 4?

  • Productive

  • Thoughtful

  • Eventful

  • Worried

  • Progression

  • Relaxed

  • Involved

  • Happy

  • Interested

  • Reflective

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